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Monday, May 12, 2008

Blog Entries of Fame (Week of May 5-11)

Some of the more captivating blog entries to hit my blogosphere radar last week are:

1) Juggling Dynamite author, Danielle Park, delivers Fitzgerald-like prose in a feature entitled "All in this together." A money manager, who can write, will definitely be one to remember. Best opening line for a blog that I can remember: "Reality is always evolving but we humans are reactionary, backward looking creatures. Perhaps to cope with the stress of change, we commonly exert mental gymnastics to justify and bootstrap the status quo." Keep reading.... http://www.jugglingdynamite.com/blog/_archives/2008/5/7/3679755.html

2) The Globe and Mail came out with their "Best of the Blogs." A top-5 ranking of the top investment blogs ranked by our favorite writers at the Globe and Mail. In case our fans are wondering, we didn't get a mention. One day, Horatio. One day.

3) Steadyhand's Tom Bradley answers a common question which will soon be asked by baby boomers: What advice do you have for retired people who do not have a 20-year time horizon?


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