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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hot Stock Picks for a Rallying Market -- Our Response to a Huffington Post Blog Entry (Part 3)

Now, my concern isn't of the Jim Cramers of the world being given a high enough platform. It is of professionals giving their suggestions and foresight on what's happening with genuine intentions. Yes, I believe those people are out there. Personally, I would like to nominate PIMCO"s Bill Gross and Mohammed El-Erian, who run the world's largest bond fund. More obvious examples are Warren Buffet and George Soros, who at many times have conflicting assessments. But, these assessments are explained, and these explanations give viewers at home added insight, a more practical education and, with time, a sharper filter to decipher useful information from the static.

While this populist rage against financial news continues, in blogs like Solin's for example, its merits shouldn't be lost.

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