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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Blog Entries of Fame (Week of May 12-19)

Some of the more captivating blog entries to hit my blogosphere radar last week are:

1) 'Thicken My Wallet' writes of how, with oil prices skyrocketing, wind energy is the next big thing.

2) Our man on the 'Million Dollar Journey' tells of his experience with the Nortel's litigation settlement on the class action lawsuit put forth by some of its shareholders.

3) Freakonomics author and New York Times blogger, Steven D. Levitt, presents the argument of two University of Chicago economists, Christian Broda and John Romalis, that, contrary to popular belief, inequality has not grown very much over the last decade. Explaining globalization has lowered costs of goods consumed by the poor and middle class, while bought by the rich have gone higher.

Hope everyone had a great Victoria Day!


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